Author Topic: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis  (Read 8636 times)

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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #450 on: April 06, 2018, 07:22:04 pm »
Cui rushed and closed Myst with all her might in a tight winghug, remaining silent with her eyes closed for a little while. She finally opened her eyes looking into Myst's and smiling "I never have felt more alive. I love you Myst."


Caprima just chuckled and remained idle, extending her arms and nodding. She hadn't had the honor of meeting someone who truly understood her being, she craved for that familiarity for such a long time and even if he was a lost cause  ..he still was a lost cause she could respect "How very pleasant. It's nice to finally meet a bright child ...someone who can see beyond. So let me show what you are in response" everything turned dark and suddlenly a bright blinding white cloud overwhelmed Forbidden's existence from all sides and extending to eternity, the goat then took the form of a peculiar apple tree with many apples, some bright red, others hurt and inedible  ..the tree's bark had cracks with fungus all over it, but all cracks begun from a single sick branch,  a branch holding an awful sick apple carrying the disease. Caprima manifested next to the apple tree, she grabbed the sick apple and bit it. The apple begun aging and burning from her bite, producing a sound only comparable to screams. "However you are wrong regarding one detail  ...a rather important one; You only have seen the truth of this realm, but this realm is merely a projection of the backside of a single leaf of the cosmic tree. I am still the bloodthirsty hunter and you still one of the countless ignorant prey ..I act on my own free will to be are tied and a slave to your own time and space, to your own emotions and memories, forever to live as a worthless prey regardless of your great mind or what you think you know. Now I could change that - and I want to change that   ..if you would only answer to a question; Do you want to be alive Xefr?" Caprima seemed dead serious as she uttered her last sentence, her cold blooded eyes turned into what seemed to be a negative and bleached view of outerspace, looking beyond the essence of Forbidden surrounding her, far into the abyss while she slowly extended her hand for a handshake.


Re'Ni's tail begun twitching while she begun munching her claws in terror as she sat down on a grass filled part of the garden, she was truly terrified  ..even though a tad bit happy about all that was happening. {"Ahhhhh! Self  ...Self do that!    ..not  ...AHHH! Ok  ...calm Re'Ni! Just Egg  ..not  bad. Valx do lay all time."} She took some deep breaths and extended her wings, for a moment her eyes derped and she let out a small shriek, closing her wings around her. Her eyes looked tired as she turned around, but then suddenly they widened and a big smile formed on her  ...she retracted her wings and stepped to the side. There it was, the continuation of Atzel's line, the heir of dragons and the second child of Xefr; A big healthy egg moving left and right ready to crack. Re'Ni clapped her paws and turned to Tec {"Ahhhhhhh! hahahaha! Loook! Look Tec! Re'Ni mom  ..Tec dad! Self ..self needs to.."} as the egg begun moving she turned back to it immediately, looking down over it in awe with her big lovable dumbfounded eyes and truest of smiles, awaiting for it to crack.
The sound of a single crack was heard in the small garden and far away  ...reaching the minds of beings from realms foreign. The offspring of time and space had come to this world, of past and present, of V'oss and Heord, of spirit and flesh  ...and as it punched through the remnants of the egg all could witness how mighty cute she was, with her big silver eyes and bright silver scales, her fragile tail and tiny white wings. Re'Ni gasped and almost tipped over, then begun sobbing out of overwhelming joy, hesitating but finally touching the baby drake with her snoot and giving it a lick.


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #451 on: April 06, 2018, 09:46:53 pm »
Myst enjoyed the hug, remaining silent himself as well. Partially out of shock from the rush, and partially out of just wanting to enjoy that peaceful moment in time. His eyes remained open though, so he could just smile back as Cui opened hers, "I love you as well, Cui. My friend... And I guess now, my mate. It's rather overwhelming for me."


Forbidden through the whole thing was observant, yet never seemed surprised. The red mist had form into a form of a Dragon, though it maintained that texture of a mist, and no outstanding features besides the eyes of pure darkness. He looked at her when she finally finished and said, "...Oh, done now? Right then, my turn. You see, goat, you're also wrong about me. Don't worry though, that's usual for all people, even ones like you. I'm not exactly within the realm of understanding. Here's the thing, I don't care much for that seeing beyond the veil thing. I've done it, and it's just not for me. I've got bigger interests in mind, y'see. I like to instead entwine myself with that veil. Xefr is my name, but yet, it isn't. I had another, but I forgot it, because Xefr changed me. So much so that Xefr is me now. I am so much greater. But I am no slave, Caprima, I'm something something special. There is no life for me, yet there is no death either." The confidence in his voice was complete, but physically the small red Dragon of gas glanced around a bit, showing there was more than that to him, "But, I'm not exactly free, as the cage shows. So, let's see your offer. If it doesn't suit me, I'll be rid of it, as I have done so many times before. Besides, it'll be interesting to make a deal with a fellow Devil... Don't disappoint me, because I'm one of the few who can make you truly regret that." With a dark grin, a phantasmal hand appeared and shook Caprima's, with the dark Shard merely watching on to see what happened next.

Tec remained close by the whole time, watching with anticipation and a level of excitement he had never experienced before. He simply hugged Re'Ni upon seeing the egg itself, not able to express his joy with words. Yet despite the fact that he believed he could never be happier, he was proven wrong within moments as he noticed the Egg hatching. Tec had to join his mate in sobbing, moving close to inspect the hatchling. He licked her as well, taking extreme pride in her lovely silver color and seeing her as the cutest thing he had ever seen, even more so than Scout! But he did manage to get ahold of himself, and speak, "This is amazing. She hatched so quickly, and she looks perfectly healthy, too! We're parents of a lovely child... But, not to take away from the joy, there is one thing... What are we going to name her?"


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #452 on: April 15, 2018, 06:30:56 pm »
Cui took Myst by his paw and went forward hastily, seeming to be extremely excited, her voice almost cracking into a cheery one "Come on! I have to tell the old goat and the others.. will be a majestic Qoatl wedding the likes of which you new drakes have never seen before! Oh the fire and the feathers and songs and meat!" Cui turned her head, giving a wink at Myst for a moment, while her voice, although still excited, had rather suggestive overtones now "...and believe me, I will be a very grateful bride to you!"


Caprima let out a loud sigh, being somewhat tired by all the empty threats this youngling throwed at her. Having understood the situation at paw, she cracκed a subtle smile and after sitting down she placed her right hand on her cheek and snapped her fingers with the other, both demons returning in the flash of a second back to the cage. The smile remained in her tired face, though now it was showing off her long fangs "You misunderstood me child, as I have I'm sure only see my crust, an ambitious fallen goddess, but in truth I understand we're not that different   ....why you want to be one with the veil even? It's no good trust me  ...there is no better state than being a fleshbag  ...a fleshbag with power over their existence of course, something which I'm very proud to say I'm fighting for! Mortals, Gods, Demons and whatnot you understand not  ..but thankfully, children don't always have to understand what's good for you, that's what mothers are there for." Caprima stood up looking at Forbidden's soul with rather sad eyes, but still bearing her smile "You see my dear child, I've tried everything the universe? Sure, plenty of times! Create a new one? Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Play God? I mean come on, I'm here aren't I? Be a Mortal? Technically we all are, but some are more than others and I envy them for they lack knowledge., why don't you sit down with me, let your guard down, take your nice dragon form and tell me what you really want in a polite and simple manner and perhaps we could find a way  ...I may be a wolf as you say but I'm really also a mere small goat with a loving heart." Caprima sighed again, staring intensely at what appeared to be the source that Forbidden's words where coming from "I say this because if I make a deal with you at your current state and set your spirit free in my realm, be certain that after you help me I will hunt you down and there's nothing you can do to escape me child. And that is not a threat, it's simply what must be done. I don't want to hurt you, or anyone else, but if you pose a threat to my other children  ..I will." Her smile faded away turning into subtle grin, her expression and look making clear she was rather serious ...for once being actually honest with one of her children.

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Re'Ni was too bothered with cuddling and giving pecks at the hatchling to process what Tec said {"Ehehehe  ..whose cute sprout? She be! Whose cute sprout? She be!"}[/i] the black dragoness soon however realised something and her eyes gained a black stare  ..she was a mother now! And for the first time in aces she was feeling truly free of all evil thoughts  ..she could concentrate! The voices where still there, but they didn't matter that much. Re'Ni turned to Tec with a confused look {"T-tec! ..Self is mom!  ..ehm  ...heh!"} as the baby dragon gave a little snarl she brought back to her mind Tec's question {"Name! Right!  ..ehm  ...think! Think... Cyrona? Is Old Goddess of Stars and Life of Grey Monkeys! Nah...   ..very dramatic, self not like. Ehm...  Starsy?"} The hatching tried breathing some fire, only to produce a spark, leading to Re'Ni beginning in turn to be overwhelmed by warm feelings and licking the baby happily while crying.

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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #453 on: April 16, 2018, 01:44:48 pm »
Myst didn't resist, happily going along with Cui and smiling at her clear excitement, "I shall prepare myself to be impressed then, since I doubt anybody but yourself and Caprima have attended a Qoatl wedding before. I suppose we should inform Essentials first, as Caprima still appears busy with whatever is going on down in the brig." The Shard went red again as he realized the meaning behind the suggestive tones and those words, "Oh goodness... Well, erhm... I guess it'll be like finishing what was interrupted by that Hyl back down at the beach. Something I wouldn't mind at all, even if I am not nearly as experienced in the trade as you, Cui."


The swirling red mist emitted the sound of laughter once more, with Forbidden either not taking this seriously or something else. But the mist did culminate into a real Dragon form now, no longer gaseous. The end product was a Black Dragon, similar to all the other shards, but with dark red eyes that had no pupils. Just pure dark red spheres. His wings were cut up, a stark contrast to the rest of the body which was pristine in its quality. He sighed and spoke, "You really don't understand, you know. You never will. It matters little if you were once mortal and became such again, because you've already given it up. Mortality doesn't just come back. The imitation means little, but your condescension means a lot. So please stop acting like you understand anything, Caprima." He stretched his wings out, sighing in relief, "Still, it does feel good to take such a form once again, so I'll thank you for the recommendation. Now, what do I want? Well, first off, I want to be immutable. A fact of life. Entwine myself with existence so I never need to leave the mortal plane, and so I can never be removed from it. But that's something I'll accomplish eventually. As for what I really want... A never-ending state of peace. No more death, pain, loss. But you see, that's so naive to think it can be done without making one or more sacrifices, particularly in the means of how I will achieve it. Let me ask you one thing Caprima... Do you think fear has a certain element of paralysis to it?"


Tec was just more happy than he had ever been. Not only because he was a father, but because of Re'Ni right now too. He could see that lack of conflict within her, that ability to concentrate and feel unhindered by the pain inside her. That made everything worth it. It was just an incredibly good addition that he had a beautiful hatchling to love and care for too! Regardless, he leaned his head down close to the baby, "Yup, we're parents now, love. With our adorable silver baby. Let's see, I got a few ideas for names. How about Illumi or Silvi?" He picked his head up, thinking harder, "Hm, no, I can do better than those! How about Estrella? That's this country's word for chain of stars. Or maybe Zelethre? It was the name of an ancient Queen of Heord's Vudsi Islands, the first to rule over all of them! Or..." Tec was now caught in a mental loop of trying to think of more names, and clearly wouldn't be settled until he was stopped or found something perfect.


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #454 on: April 16, 2018, 06:43:51 pm »
Cui pinched Myst's cheek with her paw while smiling "By Quetzalcoatl you're such a cinnamon roll! My silly lovely drake..." she leaned close to him and blew him a kiss "Alright! Let's go tell the others. This is important for me know, if everything goes bad, well.. while Cap says it's nonsense, I still believe all warriors meet with their mates at the Dreamworld.."


The goat vampire relaxed and chuckled while slowly placing her hand over her eyes, essentially facepalming, then looking at Forbidden with her usual motherly expression  ...though her voice was peculiarly more sarcastic than usual "Oh Xefr, my dear sweet poor child! ...that's what I do! That's what I live for! To help poor souls!   ...Nevertheless while yours is a lovely goal and as you understand, the same as mine  ..I do not understand how paranoid one must be to want to be one with the universe. This is why I say you're clueless  ..because you have the same mentality I had trillions ago; Be mortal again? As if we aren't all! 'One with the universe' Heh! Haven't heard that in a while...   ...why not just lead the universe as an omnipotent all-powerful living being? Why do you have to be made a component of the cycle when you already are? You see child, what you want  ...a world lacking pain is what dear old me wants too, but the difference is that I at least know what it takes! You see my good son, it only needs me barring the mortal realms from the rest and teaching the mortals to be gods on their own right, as a good divine goat mother once tought her children  ...I mean, it would take only that if it wasn't for the other damned Great Ones  ...those miserable old traitors that think intervening to help mortals reach divinity is the end of the world! Hah!" as she was about to ask her mind regarding fear, Caprima's voice although still feminine, suddenly was now more hoarse and deep sounding, while her fangs elongated "Fear is the never-ending road, fear is pain   ..fear is death. And I sense a lot of fear in you   ..not due to me of course, no child, this is a fear greater and far more painful  ...and your fear has a name that I shall not refer as I'm not cruel, since I face a similar fear of my own." she shook her head a bit, herself looking quite depressed she sat down again and looked down on her legs "But yes, fear has the greatest element of paralysis to it, the greatest of the negative emotions  ..but when you lack control over it, it consumes you it did with you." she remained there down on the ground turning to at the drake with a sad expression as if in a way  ..she pitied him "You only need to vow to help me defeat the Weaver when the time comes and the chains that bound you will be broken"


For some reason, the quite uninspired name Silvi stuck to Re'Ni's mind ..deep within, she didn't want her daughter to grow and become a great dragon, but merely a happy simple good Heordal dragoness and Silvia seemed to fit that life. Re'ni grabbed her baby with her paws and nuzzled its snoot with hers {"Silvia! Like name Silvia, no wittwe one? Ehehehehe!"} the baby dragon bit her mother's snoot filled with joy {"Ow, Silvi have strong bite! Ehehe! Cute!"} Re'Ni signaled at Tec with her eyes to hold his baby as well, mostly because the bite was actually strong ...Re'Ni didn't joke. However while happy and calm like never before, Re'Ni could sense someone watching them.


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #455 on: April 16, 2018, 08:22:44 pm »
Myst stood proud, even as his cheek was pinched, and as Cui leaned in he hugged her with one of his wings, "Ah, so that's your motive, is it? You like me so much, you want to have some insurance that you'll get to keep me no matter what happens. I do like that contingency plan myself, so I'll do what is needed to ensure that happens. Anyways, let me call Essentials." His eyes flashed blue, with a little psionic ping going out. Soon enough, Xefr teleported in front of them, smiling at them, "I see you two are getting along well. Quite different to how it was when you first met, isn't it? Anyhow, why have you called, Myst?" Myst's tail gave Cui's a little tap, signalling that he wanted her to tell him.


Forbidden, strangely enough by his expression, seemed to be feeling the same pity, but for Caprima, "Ah, so that's where you made your mistake in thought. You want to give the troublemakers more power, instead of doing anything to actually stop the problem. Hmph." With a sigh of what appeared to be disappointment, "Fear hasn't consumed me, Caprima. You simply misinterpreted my point. You see, I want to spread it. I want to make everyone afraid. I want to make everything too afraid to ever hurt another person ever again. That's what I want. Peace in the only way it can be sustained! That's what I'll work towards." He grunted, going silent for a moment, and then chuckled, "Fine. I'll help you kill your little Weaver. And I'll consume whatever is left of her by the end of it. I don't care for any chains, because there are none holding me back. Just a cage, which you also happen to be in."


Tec smiled, and complied with her request by reaching out with his own paws to pick Silvia up, and started doing some nuzzling of his own. All too happy to dote on his child. Meanwhile, Re'Ni was correct. In the brush of the garden, a Golden Dragon was watching from the distance. If Re'Ni looked carefully, she could tell it was that Combat Drake Commander from before, but he wasn't wearing any armor. He was just watching Tec and Silvia, clearly in awe.


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #456 on: April 17, 2018, 04:31:22 pm »
Cui having gotten the signal from her mate, gulped and walked forward ..she was bearing a big smile "I proposed to your brother Myst  ..and he said Yes! We're gonna get hitched! least, I hope, we'll manage before the Hyl come.." she turned and gave a big kiss at Myst.


The old capricorn grinned at the young drake, such a magnificent mind, such a great willpower  ...and yet such a petty, miserable plan he had! "Fear is not life  ..what you pursue is the death of all that is good in life along with the bad, what you pursue goes against all that I stand for, and it is so defeatist it irritates me! consider that until you repent, you shall find an enemy in me, because two cannot decide the fate of the realm  ..but before we seal the deal, remember one little thing; while you are right in many ways..." Caprima rised up and elevated herself, looking down at Forbidden in a pompous and somewhat emotionless way, a peculiar white aura surrounding her and dissolving Forbidden's red in mere seconds as she extended her arms "The chains I'm speaking of are the chains I hold! Don't ever forget that  ...when my banners fly high against the red-blood sky, you too will know. Of course, I'd prefer it to be otherwise, but alas   ..I'm not evil, and I'm not good   ...I'm the mother of mortals and as long as I exist, I'll keep tight or lessen those chains as I see fit, until my beloved children learn to behave! ..and now to seal the deal." she leaned down towards the dragon and extended her hand once more, however this time white light flowed out of it "...It will only take half your soul!" peculiarly enough, Caprima's fangs had grown sharp like blades and as long as daggers, while blood run through her eyes and saliva dripped from her mouth  ...she appeared to be rather excited! "DON'T FEAR CHILD, IT'S MERELY A SOUL!"


Re'Ni smelt the air, now she was sure someone was watching! A big dragon too! She stood up in all fours and turned at his direction giving a suspicious look at him {"WHO IS? SHOW SELF!"} she prepared a light orb in one paw just in case  ...deep down her mind, her worse thoughts begun surfacing again, someone wanted her child!  ..couldn't she have even just that little wonderful moment not spoiled, she thought.


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Re: Xefr's Adventures: Existential Crisis
« Reply #457 on: April 17, 2018, 08:02:04 pm »
Xefr seemed surprised at the news, but that faded quickly. There was a little glimpse of sadness if one was watching very carefully, but it was shoved aside quickly as happiness took its place in genuine fashion, "That is wonderful! Guess I really was right then when I said you two have completely changed from your first interactions. From cold glares to private bedroom nights." Myst was already blushing from the kiss, but Xefr's words just made it worse, "Ess! My mate can handle that part of the arrangement well enough, you need not help her... Anyways, I guess we should inform Guardian next. Then perhaps we can get to planning the wedding while we have the time." His tail was moving about a bit frantically, though it eventually stopped ontop of Cui's, where it calmed.


Forbidden didn't seem impressed or amused, just slightly irritated. He gazed at the hand and said, "I'm afraid I don't have half a soul to give, vile goat. Maybe you can get a tenth of a soul, since that's about half of what I have. This damnable cage stopped me from growing even close to my true power. But what can I do about it? It'll regenerate quick enough, just as it always has. Wouldn't be the first time neither I or even the True Xefr gave up a piece of his soul to somebody. We always grow it back, it's a family tradition. Go on then, let's get it over with." He put a paw on her hand, rolling his eyes as he knew exactly what was coming next.


The Golden Dragon slowly emerged, going not too quick as to startle Re'Ni. He seemed experienced with handling twitchy Dragons, and he spoke calmly, "Hold. I'm not a threat to you, or you child for that matter. My name is Dervis Goldon. I'm the Combat Drake Commander that vouched for you in that whole incident. The reason you aren't being arrested. I've just come to talk to your mate, Tec. There's something I need to talk to him with." Tec, in his own defensive action, swiftly picked up Silvia and put her on his back, so he could protect her more easily if need be. This of course also had the look of Silvi riding on her dad's back like he was a mount, which was cute.