Author Topic: Of Taurghans & Formics  (Read 2643 times)

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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #75 on: December 24, 2015, 12:02:20 am »
Sivtress: “Fun & Knowledge, are these what Ghashyr consider to be the most important aspecs of life.”

Every Krith except Tarakith & XerKhon step forward to try this dancing.

Rynza to Thiror: “I will be sure to notify House Askranlach of Arshynor that you directed me to their location.”

Zagara: "Ah I see. Ill have my daughters Niadra & Taknul set trade routes & goods up with you. As far as the information you seek, I can provide that know through memory transfers or by tapping into a signal of sorts, which ever you prefer.”

“Myself or one of my daughters would not mind speaking with a historian. Yes we can certainly share part of our knowledge. Ah I see, I will assign a unit to explore your… how do you say, library…, if you don’t mind.” 

“Interesting, as far as we have seen thus far the biology of living organism depend on oxygen-based atmospheres & have at least two sexes, though I suspect their exist beings who live outside these parameters."

“You seem confused by my last request.”

Kilysa watches carefully as Myrsa, Govis, & the guards bow & mutter that peculiar phrase from earlier.

Kilysa to Govis: "Ah so they are the servants of your God, may I ask why you ask them for forgiveness".


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2015, 07:25:23 pm »
Myranda to Sivtress: "Not really, no. What is the most important aspect in life differs from Ghashyr to Ghashyr. Mine is knoweledge"
Alina: "...And mine is joy!"


Myrsa: "I will have the trade treaties ready for verification  ...shall we have the tariffs that will be harvested by our respective governments be set to a logical rate, say 15% of incomes, or worth of merchantise?"

"I ought to suggest Lord Castellan Ymeror Elrinel, his knoweledge in the field of history is unsurpassed. However, I'd also like to bestow the honour of 'Official Ambassador' to one of your noble daughters, or your broader kin, for our relations to be maintained and expanded - the one tasked with this holy duty could live in Shyr, in the Mourning Halls, and learn more about our history, culture and politics."

"Considering the vastness of the universe we live in, this is most likely fellow Talmyr."

"Do not be offended, but I expected a more acquisitive request that in turn I would have to refuse  ...on the contrary your request is quite logical and noble -as is every request that has knoweledge as its main objective- therefore it would be uncouth and rude for me to refuse it."
Govis: "The Scaled Prophets showed us the ways of peace, forgiveness and divine universalism, yet some of our species slaughtered them - we ask forgiveness for the ones that perpetrated these cruel crimes, as all souls are divine."
Rysannox: "Some however venerated them as gods  ...these were difficult times, and the Church of Light could not tolerate such heretic behaviours."
Listening to the discussion Myrsa interrupts Rysannox: "After millenia of oppresion, death and fear, us Draconians seek no revenge; we only seek salvation for the crimes of your Church's militants and we only ask from you slight signs of remorse  ...yet as it seems, the 'Light' doesn't shine for all."
All Ghashyr kneel, and Rysannox, slightly nervous kneels and adresses her: "I ask humbly for your forgiveness if my comment offended you Unburnt One"
Myrsa: "Lord Rysannox, please rise. You did not offend me, and I understand that us Draconians and you Light-believers see things from a different point of view  ...if you ever felt remorseful, it is from the Dragons that you should ask forgiveness for the militants' crimes, not me."
Rysannox bows his head in agreement while kneeled and rises.

(Draconians are a minority religion that was severely oppressed over the years; The situation in the Ghashyr Empire is similar to a hypothetical scenario were a Jewish family was in charge of a predominantly Christian nation)


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #77 on: December 25, 2015, 06:00:28 pm »
Sivtress: "ah I see, its an individuals choice."

Most of the Krith took turns dancing with the Ghashyr & among themselves
Zagara: “ 15% Tariff is fine, it seems strange, we just established an official currency system barely a month ago & now we are about to trade based on currency systems.”

“Very well, whenever Lord Castellan is ready one of us shall speak with him.”
“Let me think a moment on a choice for an Official Ambassador, Typically once a Formic Queen reaches a certain level she is assigned to rule a planet of her own for her brood to expand & mature.”

“Oh no im not offended at all, Formics tend to value knowledge over other pursuits, in fact this last request is the most important as all the others relate to it. You see, we assimilate beings similar or related to ourselves & bring them to maturity, but we also give them as much knowledge as possible about their planet of origin. Now, revisiting choosing a Ambassador I have a proposal, any insectoid from Shyr that you provide we will bring them to maturity with the task of being an Ambassador between our species, I was thinking that Ghashyr will be more comfortable with a fellow native being, will this be acceptable?”


Kilysa to Govis: “I see, that is indeed sad, Im sorry for your loss.”

Kilysa was going to respond to Rysannox with rather harsh words but she was stopped by secret message from her mom.

Zagara: “my dear Kilysa ancient Formics committed many crimes before becoming unified, countless broods bloodlines & drones went extinct before the Khaitor Dynasty was established, we do not know the course of history that brought them here but it is something they must figure out in their own way, besides I believe these were actions of their ancestors not themselves.” 

Rokarr secretly to Kilysa: “Interesting that the Dragon disciples should not seek retribution, I do not understand, ill ask Myrsa later on this.”
Kilysa to Rokarr: “I was thinking the same, I still think some should realize they most likely killed the very servants of the light they worship.”

(Draconians are a minority religion that was severely oppressed over the years; The situation in the Ghashyr Empire is similar to a hypothetical scenario were a Jewish family was in charge of a predominantly Christian nation)

(Seems like a tricky situation.)


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #78 on: December 25, 2015, 08:49:30 pm »
Myranda: "Entirely...  I believe Formics have this in common, the higher Formics at least. No?"

Alina is fascinated by the Krith trying to dance a dance of her species and she gives her best to make them learn "What do you think of dancing so far Krith? I say, you surely have potential, in fact; you dance better than my Captain!"
Myranda drinks some Achjaal from her flask and smiles at Alina: "To each his own, paladin, to each his own!"


Myrsa: "I'm sure you will find it quite useful in your transactions with my species - Lady Ymbrel, do have the appropriate documents ready for signing, will you?"
Sarxaxa Ymbrel bows "Unburnt One, your wish is my command, my Talmyr!"
Myrsa also orders two guardians to bring the Lord Castellan...

Myrsa: "This is a noble cause Talmyr Zagara. As for your proposal; While I consider it quite fitting, it is of uttermost important that the Official Ambassador is direct kin to you; a member of your House ...My cousin Balmox Valxaryen could in turn become an Official Ambassador of our species in your homeplanet, if you wish. This is done for purely symbolic reasons, but it is important for the public."
Govis: "I appreciate this greatly Queen Kilysa."
Rysannox remains silent while Selyna Malqamrax barely withholds her tongue "Pardon me, Lord Asunmal, but I must inform our dear guests that while you believe that all souls are divine and eternal, we believe that all souls are born and must earn their divinity , or be punishment where punishment is due - The Dragonslaying was a harsh punishment that happened 20'000 years ago, when the Light High Priesthood of the time deemed the Dragons equally responsible for the crimes and sins done by Draconians in their religion's name. Right, or wrong this is the past and the fate of the souls of that era has long since been judged."
Govis: "The past lives within us all..."

(It is...)


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #79 on: December 26, 2015, 01:22:08 am »
Sivtress to Myranda: "Yes & no, serving the swarm is the most important purpose, but most sentient Formics can decide how they do this through whatever passion they have."

In response to Alina’s question. Tegedar & Sivtress really like dancing. Valgorr likes dancing alittle, Rynza thinks its ok, Tarakith & XerKhon don’t seem very interested in dancing.
The Krith sniff the air & some turn towards Myranda.
Tarakith to Myranda: “That smell, what is that?”
Zagara: “Im certain it will be.”

“Lets see one of my direct bloodline who can rule over Formics in Shyr & be the Official Ambassador, ah one of my grandchildren they will be going through their final cocoon soon, I believe Rynza would be best for carrying such an honoured rank. Balmox is very welcome to be an Ambassador on Rith’Essa, ill have Niadra grow fruits & vegetation from your worlds to help him feel more comfortable, he could help us structure our new society to be more efficient in providing needs & wants of more individual beings.”   


Rokarr secretly to Kilysa: "You know dear sister, everywhere you go you cause some sort of disturbance, hopefully this wont cause another chain reaction & change this galaxy again."

Kilysa to Rokarr: "I dont mean to, im just curious, but ive been more careful with my powers at least."
Zagara uses her power to project a sense of calm & peace to ease the tension in the area.

Zagara: “I admit the various ways of Ghashyr are foreign to Formics & we do not yet entirely understand them, but we do not judge any here, Formic history has its own sins, our own ancestors were even more brutal in their ideals & philosophy. As Selyna has stated, events of the past have already been judged, all we can do is learn from those mistakes as well as our own to bring our respective species to a higher state of being & understanding.”


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #80 on: December 26, 2015, 08:15:17 pm »
Myranda: "Oh of course! We Ghashyr understand perfectly our duty towards our 'swarm' as well  ..however I was referring to the things one considers personally satisfying"

Alina seems satisfied by the Kriths' opinions and takes a rest next to Thiror "Heh, I told you these guys are nice folks!"
Thiror: "Aye, Oy did'nee thenk they we'e so similar tae us..."

Myranda to Tarakith: "It's a liquid alcoholic substance we Frontierer Ghashyr drink in occasions like this, want to give it a try?"


"This is marvelous! I will personally ensure her wellbeing in Shyr - I can hardly wait to meet princess Rynza. You will meet my cousin shortly..."
Lady Sarxaxa Ymbrel arrives with a hologram depicting the rules of the trade agreement "Unburnt One, My talmyr, Talmyr Zagara  ...I have the documents ready!"
Mourning Halls Accords of Formic & Ghashyr Recognition and Cooperation

Article I: Bilateral Recognition of the Talmyrox Azgorlanor Ghaen Shyryen and the Talmyrox of the Formics
  • -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ agree that their Empires and subjects living within shall respectively recognise one another as well as any and all treaties between the two Talmyrs from this moment onwards.
    -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ guarantee that their Empires and subjects living within shall respect the boundaries and laws of one another from this moment onwards.

Article II: Ghashyr-Formic Treaty of Economic Cooperation & Policy
  • -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ agree that all trade between the two Empires shall be regulated upon entering their respective space and territories and merchants shall pay the tribute of 15% (Fifteen percent) of the worth of the merchantise to the local authorities.
    -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ guarantee that smugglers, and any unregulated merchantise found shall be extradited back to their respective native authorities.
    -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ guarantee that the two empires, and their empires' subjects by extense, have not the right to sell, or hand out merchantise of one another to third parties.

Article III: Ghashyr-Formic Treaty of Friendship
  • -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ guarantee that the two Empires shall not engage in hostilities against one another without provocation.
    -The signatories Talmyr Zagara of the Formics ______ and Talmyr Myrsa XIX of the Ghashyr ______ guarantee that if one of the species of the involved signatories is threatened with extinction they will come to its aid.
Sarxaxa: "Talmyr Zagara, your grace, you only have to touch the empty spaces after your name. If you have any questions regarding any of the articles I'm sure her greatness, the Unburnt One, will enlighten you."
Myrsa to Selyna: "Quite an interesting take on the Ascend of Light and its aftermath Lady Malqamrax, but I suggest to continue this discussion later   ...our guests might feel uncomfortable, and I do not wish that."

Myrsa being quite familiar with psionic auras addresses Zagara: "Fellow Talmyr, I hope you are not made uncomfortable by our intense religious debates should all know that there hasn't been a religious war in Shyr for more than six millenia, we just disagree on certain philosophical views as we have done for thousands of years, in a civili manner. I assure you that all the present lords are my most loyal subjects and full-grown adults that would not engage in hostilities over a mere theological disagreement."
Lord Castellan Ymeror, a very old, bald and wringled Ghashyr wearing a ludicrous anachronistic suit comes with a metal holographic device in his hands and kneels before the royals "Unburnt One, my Talmyr I am at your ser-.. I..  these creatures!"
Myrsa looks with a rather annoyed look at her Castellan "They're our guests, I'm sure Echopalad (steward) Rysannox informed you about them."
Ymeror: "oh.. of course, great divine Talmyr! But to view them from close is a breathtaking experience   ...I am Lord-Castellan Ymeror of House Elrinel, at your service." he then turns to Kilysa "...and forgive me for my rather rude introduction great Talmyr of the Formics"
Myrsa covers her eyes with her hand and sighs.


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #81 on: December 27, 2015, 04:52:12 pm »
Sivtress: “oh yes all Formic Queens have life pursuits they master for personal satisfaction, how do Ghashyr choose their life pursuits?” 

Tarakith to Myranda: "Liquid alcohol…., it smells somewhat similar to the special brews our Aunt Niadra makes, though she said we should wait until we are fully mature otherwise it will have fatal effects on us, although since we are part Chrymerion it is hard to be sure if this is the case, so we will wait for now, we will be in our final cocoon cycle in about 1 - 2 weeks, after we awake from that we should be fine."

Zagara: “I should let you know that Rynza is a Krith Formic, they are a new generation of Formic created with our Chrymerion sisters & brothers dna, thus their appearance will be more similar to your own, but perhaps no less shocking to you.”

Zagara turns towards Sarxaxa viewing the hologram.

“Ah so these are what you call documents, the wording is straight forward, Thank you Sarxaxa, every Formic Queen will have these in their memories so all in their broods will uphold these articles, & we will have to introduce your species scent as a friendly one to our more primitive drones.”

Making motions with her 2 secondary hands an illusion copying the articles appeared next to the hologram but in Formic language which looked like complex ancient runes.  As Zagara & Myrsa each touch the empty spaces specialty runes filled the corresponding space in the illusion.”


Zagara: "No need to worry im fine, I misunderstood what was happening, in our ways debates are kept in mental conversation & when things became physically vocal battles & wars ensue. We have never before seen 2 different religious & philosophical authorities interacting with each other.”

Kilysa watched Castellan curiously wondering how old he was.
Kilysa looks at her mom a moment before addressing Ymeror. “Oh im not the Talmyr, my mother standing over there next to Myrsa is the Talmyr of Formics, if I may ask what is your age?”


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #82 on: December 27, 2015, 07:34:27 pm »
Myranda: "It depends on what they're destined for and what their experiences have been - a mere peasant could never have the same life pursuits with a lord"
Thiror: "Ye say so cap'n but 'ere Oy am..."
Myranda: "You are Saaryn, even though a minor Saaryn, you belong to the nobility of the empire Thiror ...never forget that"
Thiror: "Phe'haps cap'n but t'is not unsound fo' mere Lauindayn to 'ave tha same loyfe pursuits wi a' Saar."
Myranda gives Thiror her flask "Phe'haps  ...err, pherhaps  ..damn your accent!"
Thiror laughs and sips some Achjaal from Myranda's flask.

Myranda: "Oh, I would never have suggested if I knew ...pherhaps when you get older."
Alina: "You're kids? I swear you look like full-grown young adults"

Myranda goes near to the overseer: "Ehem, I was worried about one of my crewmembers, Rosdax. Is he ok?  ...I am receiving his life signals, but I'd like to see him."


Myrsa: "Talmyr Zagara, very few things can shock a Ghashyr Talmyr, in time you will learn this  ...I'm sure we will manage to overcome all external differences with her and focus on the internal similarities."

Sarxaxa bows gently to Zagara and stands besides Myrsa.
Myrsa touches the empty spaces after Zagara as well "This a great day for Ghashyr and Formics - may this relation be proven fruitful and expand!" Myrsa calmly unseathes her sword and points it towards Taurgha, the sun of the Taurghan system, all Ghashyr present kneel and look to the sun "I vow in the bright sunlight of Shyr, I the descendant of ancient kings and lords, Myrsa XIX of House Valxaryen, seed of the Dragon and Talmyr of all Ghashyr that their fire burns, that everything that has been signed on this day will be upheld - else may my fire burn out!". All Ghashyr rise and salute the Talmyr "Unburnt One Shall Never Burn Out! Unburnt One Shall Never Burn Out!".
Myrsa: "I understand  ...we have met only recently, we have many things to learn for and from each other."
The Lord Castellan feels extremely embarassed and bows to Zagara "Apologies your grace  ...I am not familiar with your species looks" he then turns to Myrsa and kneels "Unburnt One I'm sorry I ashamed your greatness"
Myrsa: "Yes, yes, now rise and enlighten our guests..."
Ymeror bows "Certainly your greatness!"

Ymeror to Kilysa: "Oh, ho ho  ...I am 136 years old and I've been the loyal Lord Castellan for ninety years out of them noble lady-bug. I've seen many wonders and known many Talmyrs and nobles throughout these years, but this is definitely the greatest wonder of all - speaking of, I recall a time when Talmyr Lashox, the Unburnt One's father-blessed be his soul, wouldn't come to visit her chambers, and to draw his attention she glued-"
Myrsa: *coughs* "That would be enough, Lord Castellan."   
Ymeror: "Err, yes ...Is there more that you wish to learn divine guest?"


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #83 on: December 28, 2015, 01:07:19 am »
Sivtress: “Ah I see.”

Tarakith: “You are fine, we still have much to learn about each other.”

XerKhon to Alina: “Interesting, we are not quite kids, we are in our broodling stage between larvae & mature, according to our grandmothers estimates our Queen cousins should be around 3 - 4 meters in height & Warlords should be around 3 meters in height once fully mature.”

The Overseers spoke psionically, its voice sounds as if about 10 people are speaking at once.

“Rosdax is asleep, we are not familiar enough with Ghashyr to know he’s precise condition, follow, we will take you to Rosdax.”

The Overseer lead Myranda into the Soldier Drones Sleeping chamber & to the area were Rosdax was sleeping.
Zagara: “Very good, im certain Rynza will enjoy her life here.”

“Yes it is indeed a great day.”


Zagara: “ Think nothing of it Castellan, we both are becoming familiar with each others species.”

Kilysa was slightly annoyed being called a Lady-Bug but she mostly ignored it.

Kilysa to Ymeror: " ah your alittle younger then my sister Niadra, hmm, Lady-Bug never heard of such a thing.”

“oh no, I was just curious.”

Zagara: “Lord Castellan, concerning learning Ghashyr history, usually Formics share memories to teach & transfer information, im not sure if you are comfortable with this or if you prefer your own methods of teaching?”


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #84 on: December 29, 2015, 09:59:54 am »
Myranda to Tarakith: "That is true, the more time we spent together, the more things we'll learn for each other"

Alina to XerKhon: "Ah, yup I got it're just in the early stages of adulthood I take it - these are the best years!"

Myranda seems more relaxed after seeing Rosdax, she closes on him and shakes him to wake him up "Private, Are you ok?"
Rosdax opens his eyes a little: "Just one minute mom..."
Myranda: *cough* "I'm your captain"
Rosdax opens his eyes widely and gets up "Yes captain! I'm sorry I confused you for my mother, captain!"
Myranda: "That's alright, how do you feel?"
Rosdax: "Rejuvenated and ready for duty, captain!"
Myranda: "Good, you have missed quite a lot   ...follow me, you have to meet the others"
Rosdax: "Aye-aye captain!"
Myranda and Rosdax go back to the Krith "This is our engineer, Rosdax of House Amys - Rosdax these are the Formic royals known as 'Krith', they're; Tarakith, Sivtress, Rynza, XerKhon, Tegedar, & Valgorr"
Rosdax bows politely and makes an urvan salute: "It's an honour to meet you, noble visitors".


Ymeror: "I apologise again and thank you for your understanding great Talmyr guest."

Ymeror to Kilysa: "Oh! Well, your highness is of noble blood and an insectoid, so lady-bug seemed fitting your grace..."
Myrsa rolls her eyes: "Queen Kilysa, my Lord Castellan wished you no insult, I'm sure ...he just uses different terms than most, due to his age."

Ymeror bows to Zagara: "Your divine greatness, I'd humbly prefer to instruct you myself on my people's history - it would be the Ghashyr thing to do...   shall we start from the late Imperial period, or from the begginings of Ghashyr recorded history?"


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #85 on: December 29, 2015, 10:01:18 pm »
XerKhon to Alina: "Why do you say that these are the best years?”

The Krith turn to Rosdax a bow slightly as they greet him. Sivtress walks up to Rosdax seemingly inspecting him for a moment before she spoke. “Rosdax everyone has had a chance to dance, would you like to?”


Kilysa: “ Its alright, he just seems so young to be.. um, im mean young to us.”

Zagara: "Let us start from the beginings of your history records.”


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #86 on: December 30, 2015, 11:41:33 am »
Alina: "You explore your feelings and get to know life better, also a lot of partying"

Rosdax turns to Myranda with a confused look.
Myranda: "You've been sleeping far too long"
Rosdax smiles to Sivtress and bows his head: "Thank you for this nice offer, but I do not dance - my left foot is an implant. the way, you all look very similar to us and might I add pleasant even, what happened to the larger insectoid aliens?"
Myranda: "They left"


Myrsa seems slightly annoyed by that last remark: "Time passes differently for us Ghashyr. We're like bright flames - we might live a small life compared to you, but it is a life that its flames touch the skies and set the gods and their stars ablaze during its short span."

Ymeror: "Your highness, though it's near impossible, I'll try to summarise my species 50'000 years of history in a compact way...
Myrsa and the rest of the noble Ghashyr sit on the benches surrounding the small dragon statue in the grove.
Myrsa: "Fellow Talmyr, from my past experiences, Ymeror's narration takes quite some time, I'd suggest making yourself comfortable.."
Spoiler: (Ymeror narrates) (hover to show)
Myrsa's eyes gleam with pride as Lord Castellan Ymeror finishes, Rysannox seems rather bored and tired.


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2016, 01:03:52 am »
XerKhon: "partying, how do Ghashyr do partying"

Sivtress: “an implant? Did your foot not properly grow back?, ah yes we have Formic & Chrymerion dna, Thank you Rosdax you are quite kind.” 


Kilysa: “Yes your lives seem very exicting.”

Zagara to Ymeror: "Don’t worry im certain you tell excellent stories.”

Zagara: “Ah yes I could use a rest.”

Zagara sits near Myrsa letting her bottom down & stretching her legs out just alittle.

Myrsa's eyes gleam with pride as Lord Castellan Ymeror finishes, Rysannox seems rather bored and tired.

Zagara: “I see, Myrsa you come from an honourable Hive, House I mean."


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #88 on: January 04, 2016, 11:34:38 am »
Alina: "Well, there's dancing and talking and drinking and generally having a good time"

Rosdax: "You're kind too noble Sivtress. I lost my leg fighting for House Martael in the battle of Qor'maalch during the Olen rebellion and had to crawl back to my line  ...I got better."
Thiror: "Aye, that was ah dreadful wa' ...Rosdax 's ah wa' hero."


Myrsa to Zagara: "Yes, it seems so. I'm sure your House is a great one too Talmyr Zagara  ...I'd actually be quite amused to listen to your species' and House's story, now that you have come to know mine."

(I hope it is obvious that Ymeror intentionaly focused on the parts of Ghashyr history that make the Valxaryens seem as the greatest House and was rather biased as a result - ie; the Galgatyens are a far more noble and glorious family, that's why Rysannox was not impressed.)


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Re: Of Taurghans & Formics
« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2016, 10:13:05 pm »
XerKhon to Alina: "ah I see"

Sivtress to Rosdax: “ah you are a hero, a Warrior, you must have high ranking in House Martael, are all of you heroes?"
Kilysa speaks secretly to her mom & sister: “The story that Myranda told me is different in many ways, Im not certain Ymeror is telling the whole history or the truth.”

Rokarr to Kilysa: “I do not think it matters Kilysa, In the end those who are meant to rule shall do so.”

Zagara to her daughters: “It is near impossible to tell, both stories may indeed have some degree of truth, but without shared memories of that age we will never know for sure. In any case Myrsa is an honorable Queen, even in our own history only honorable Queens are ultimately successful.”


Zagara to Myrsa: "It would indeed be more difficult to verbally describe our history, so I will show you parts of our history, if at any time you need to break from the illusion just let me know, I will go through the memories fairly quickly."

Suddenly it seemed as if everyone was standing a few meters above themselves looking at the scenery, next the area went dark a brief moment before an image of the galaxy they are currently in was in the middle for everyone to see as images of stars were floating all around everyone. The next instance it seemed as if they were moving at some unknown warp speed to a far far away location. When the warp stopped a different galaxy was presented, rapidly they zoomed in on a peculiar planet.

Finding themselves standing inside a Hive chamber they saw 2 ancient Formic Queens fighting to the death while surrounded by ancient Soldier & worker drones, one much older than the other, they looked more feral, more prehistoric then Zagara & her daughters. At the end of the battle the younger Queen stood over her mother & tore her head off. Holding her mother head in the air all Formics in the area lined up close to the victor awaiting her command.

Zagara: “This is Drokhan, a fierce fighter but also the first progressive Queen that we know of, this event happened around 2 million years in the past, when formic’s psionic awakening had just started, at this point you will notice that there are only 4 types of Formics, Queen, Male, Soldier, & worker, also at this time a Queen would only lay 1 Queen egg her whole life.”

The next scene everyone found themselves standing on a mountain witnessing a turning point in an intense battle between Drokhan’s Hive & another Formic hive that looked different, almost like a distant cousin of Formic’s. After they killed the enemy Queen Drokhan’s forces stormed the tunnels in the hill killing everything in their path & using their conquered foes bodies as nutrients for the new larvae to come, but Drokhan spared the enemy eggs & larvae & introduced them to her own brood trying to make all of her conquered enemies strengths her own. This mountain became Drokhan’s main lair.

Time jumped forward to when Drokhan seemed to be getting ready to face her own daughter in combat over leadership of the hive. Although an unexpected idea came to Drokhan, why should mother & daughter fight each other, so she talked her daughter out of fighting & convinced her that creating a joint hive would be more beneficial for both Queens.

Time spend up, This new joint hive swept the western continent until only Drokhans line of Queens remained. Slowly but surely afterwards, Drokhan’s hive engulfed the rest of the Formic world. Soon after her brood became the only brood on the planet, Drokhan died at the age of 528.

Time skipped to the early years of Formic’s space age showing the growth of advanced organic technology & various planets Formic’s discovered. Time skipped again to the Formics first encounter with humans on a planet the formic’s wanted to colonize.

Zagara: “these are known as humans, at this time in history formic’s believed that only hivemind beings were sentient, we did not understand that singular sentient beings existed, we thought these were simple creatures, though there form intrigued us as we had never seen such creatures. Though we were too late in realizing that they were sentient.”

Time skipped again to the Formic’s second human encounter on planet earth, as the battle played out Zagara explained that this was when they discovered that the humans were sentient thus they left them alone saddened that they had not realized this earlier.

Time jumped to the Formic High Queen & her plan to ensure the survival of the race as she was certain the humans would not stop their attacks. They would see a young Zagara who had barely started her own brood take a battle ship & leave her home as another Formic ship took off for another mission. The group would witness the battle that ended with the oblivion of the Formic’s home world.

They saw Zagara return to her world soon after the battle gripping the ashes that was once her home.
The next scene was the 12 moons of a gas giant that Zagara would call home for the next 800 years. Here she forged a new empire of Formic’s. Her feats of science greatly expanded the genetics of all Formic’s & introduced many new Formics to the hive. In this manner every formic rapidly mutated into new more powerful versions of their previous forms. New bio-ships were developed & a new Formic hierarchy was established.

Next the group watched 12 Massive living structures rise from their respective moons & set out on a campaign against the humans. Several human colonies fell to grueling battles as the Formics claimed them as their own, some victories were celebrated, others were grieved with the fall of 1 of Zagara’s daughters. They saw Kilysa hatch from her egg, Zagara’s last Queen egg.

They saw the Crusading Formics arrive at their second to last target, Planet Lusitania. Zagara’s fleet stopped facing a fleet composed of human & foreign Formic ships. 

The group saw the meeting between Zagara & the foreign Formic Queen, & a few of the memories the foreign Queen shared with Zagara. They saw Andrew Wiggins help the Queen build her home on Planet Lusitania.

Afterwards the group saw Zagara split her fleet, most stayed with the Foreign Queen to advance the Formic race in that galaxy, the others left with Zagara. After seeing Zagara’s 2 hive carriers leave the galaxy the illusion stopped.

(I hope it is obvious that Ymeror intentionaly focused on the parts of Ghashyr history that make the Valxaryens seem as the greatest House - ie; the Galgatyens are a far more noble and glorious family, that's why Rysannox was not impressed.)

(Yes it is, I mostly think Myranda was telling more of truth.)

(Also notice how the Shyrites portray themselves as the victims of the Frontier War, while the Martaels - the guys you met first - did the opposite.)

(Yes I did notice that, Zagara figures that there is some truth in both stories but it’s difficult for Formic’s know for certain unless they cant look into people’s memories who actually witnessed the events surrounding the war.)